2025 Summer Program Registrations

The 2025 Summer League Registration is now open for you to register your children for one of our summer leagues. We are again only accepting online registrations and will continue to do so up to February 28th and will then NOT accept any more. This allows our park administration time to get the teams organized and uniforms/accessories ordered and ready for the season.
PLEASE read through the form and understand that your child must play based on their current school year and age; not what grade they will be going into. There have been numerous changes to our summer leagues over the last few years to try to keep up with other areas and remain competitive.
Hats, visors and uniforms are the same colors as last years. We ask the you keep in mind that all coaches are volunteers and that our program would not be possible without their involvement and dedication. Any questions, please direct them to Ben Beaubien at 419-410-3071 or [email protected].